The Bronx Broke Heart Club
I'm gonna be honest. Wait, I'm always honest. I'm going to be transparent!
Managing 3 websites and 12 social media channels focused on showcasing The Bronx while simultaneously working to develop new merchandise is exhausting. 1000% exhausting.
If you follow this blog (and if you do, I'm sorry for the erratic posting schedule), you know that From The Bronx does a lot more than slap THE BRONX on blank apparel and try to convince you to buy it.
We spend hours, days, weeks and months brainstorming ideas that are equal parts creative and fun. Only then do we try to convince you to buy it.
This year, as Valentine's Day starts to loom its big red horned head, our team has been discussing what Bronx Valentine's Day focused merch would look like.
We started counting off all of the V-Day clichés and came up with:
- Red Things
- Heart Shaped Things
- Dinners
- Flowers
- Jewelry
- Chocolates
The more we discussed, the more we realized one thing: EVERYTHING ON OUR LIST COST MONEY! It cost money and we just didn't have time for it. Focusing on Valentine's Day was just too much.
So instead we focused on love. And that's something with a much larger significance and broader appeal. Something that also COSTS MONEY! From that we came up with The Bronx Broke Heart Club. A club for those of us with no money and no honey.
So forget expensive dates. Buy yourself a t-shirt and let all of those prospective honeys know where you stand! Transparency like that is worth celebrating all year long.
Friendly Reminder: Valentine's Day themed candy is 50% off on February 15th. But you already knew that. Welcome to the club. ;)
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