Welcome to the Soft Relaunch!
We've finally done it! After months and months (and months and months) of designing, coding and planning, From The Bronx is relaunching its website!
Let's pause so we can admire the homepage together.
Doesn't it look nice?? Now, let's pause for applause. :)
Our new website was designed with YOU in mind. That means we've improved everything to make it easier for you to get around and connect with the items and content that you want to see!
We've improved our images, upgraded inventory tracking, added a local pick-up option, added a community calendar and have updated our curated Spotify playlists.
So why is it a "soft" relaunch instead of a relaunch? Because we know that no matter how much work we've done, there's always room for improvement. So take a look around, click through the site and let us know what's working, what's not working and what you'd like to see more of.
From The Bronx to The World!!
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